Introducing MVT Virtual Runs – Enabling Anyone, Anywhere to Run Virtually in Maldives – Maldives Virtual Tour
Travel BlogOctober 24, 2020

Introducing MVT Virtual Runs – Enabling Anyone, Anywhere to Run Virtually in Maldives

Make your runs interesting – run with a view to die for! Get ready to run virtually in Maldives from anywhere as Maldives Virtual Tour brings you MVT Virtual Runs.

MVT Virtual Runs enables runners — from beginners to veterans — something to motivate themselves to continue being active and take the runs throughout picturesque views of Maldives.

Pass the time on the treadmill with MVT Run Videos! With the sandy beaches and the turquoise waters, you won’t even know when you complete a mile or even a marathon.

MVT Runs will be available with the launch of, which will be live this month. This project will host over 2000, 360° VR panoramic tours (video /photos) of more than 150 islands of Maldives.

Maldives Virtual Tour is a product of Orca Media Group, one of the leading media and marketing companies in Maldives.