Travel BlogJune 5, 2024
Niyama Private Islands Maldives Invites Wellness Aficionados to Celebrate Global Wellness Day

Niyama Private Islands Maldives invites wellness aficionados from around the world to celebrate Global Wellness Day on Saturday 8 June at the resort, with complimentary activities on offer.
This year’s Global Wellness Day is themed #MagentaNature, and Nature’s Playground could not be the more perfect setting. Its two islands, Play and Chill, are unrivalled in natural beauty, with virgin jungle, soft white sands and the clearest of ocean highlighted with the occasional pop of bright colour. Guests can lose themselves entirely on a deserted stretch of beach or out at sea, wrapping themselves in the healing embrace of nature.
On Saturday 8 June, the following complimentary activities are lined up as part of the exciting global movement to inspire wellness, transformation, reconnection and a life in harmony with nature.

The day begins gently with yoga at 8.00 am in the pavilion overlooking the ocean. Movement and breath synchronise with the breaking of the waves on shore as each guest becomes one with nature.
At 9.15 am, energy levels rise with circuit training on the beach with resident fitness coach Martin Simonrangkir. Guests may work out barefoot as part of a grounding experience as they move from station to station, building strength and endurance.
11.30 am sees the ultimate way to keep cool while burning calories, with an energised Zumba class in the ocean with resident coach Roger Ybanez, an invitation to literally go with the flow and feel the power of water.

At 4.30 pm, body and soul step into the surreal with yoga, meditation and breathwork led by visiting practitioner Emily Moak six metres below the waves at Subsix, as the wondrous creatures of the deep swim all around.
Winding down is just as important as exercising, and at 6.00 pm, guests are invited for healthy canapes, juices and a glass of sparkling wine half a kilometre out to sea at Edge, just in time to admire a mesmerising sunset and give thanks for Mother Nature’s blessings.
For more information or reservations, visit or email